The Prize Every NFL Team Fights For

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jones' Mouth and Joke-Could Cost Him Lots of Money!

Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones addressing fans at the recent kickoff luncheon, when he mentioned of the leagues new collective bargaining agreement. He added a little bit of a joke at the end, now that could add some more of Jones' money into Jay Ratliffs pocket.

Jerry Jones said, "We have assured that we will have 10 years of where we don't have any issues with anything regarding clubs, players or those types of salaries. Now, I will make an exception," Jones said. "Jay Ratliff will tell you, 'You've got a big issue, Jerry, with my salary. I need a little more money.' "

It was a surprise that Jones would mention it so publicly. However, it was not an unpleasant surprise to Jay Ratliff's agent Mark Slough. Slough has not complained once about his clients contract.

Here is what Mark Slough said,"We certainly are not unhappy with our contract. Do we believe we outperformed the contract? Absolutely. Did we expect to outperform the contract. Sure. Are we bitter or unhappy? Not at all," Slough said. "You haven't heard us say one thing at all about our contract. We recognize the economic times we're in as a country ... We're not going to complain about what we get paid to play in the NFL. Having said that, we believe we've outperformed the deal and I don't think anyone would take issue with that or disagree with that. You want players on your team who outperform your deal."

The last time Jerry Jones made a comment, that might have been a joke cost him a "Great" NFL coach in Jimmy Johnson. This time it may cost him a lot of money for a football player, paying him more money.

"Ratliff go get your raise from Jerry Jones, since he's not satisfied with your contract. If the owner is not satisfied, you should not be either."

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