The Prize Every NFL Team Fights For

Monday, September 5, 2011

Justice Has Been Done!

Jim Tressel was just recently hired by the Indianapolis Colts to be their game day consultant. I was one of those skeptics that did not agree of the hiring. of Tressel. I felt that it was no different than Pryor leaving Ohio State to play in the NFL. Pryor was thinking he would not have to serve his five game suspension,if he played in the NFL. The NFL put a hitch in those motives by allowing former Ohio State quarterback to be a part of the NFL supplemental draft under one condition. Pryor would have to serve his five game suspension in the NFL. The five game suspension he would have had to serve if he stayed at Ohio State.
 Tressel was a big part of the Ohio State scandal, by denying he knew what his players were doing. Tressel later admitted to Ohio State that he knew what his players were doing.
Well i guess there was enough skeptics and complaints, that the Indianapolis Colts suspended Tressel for six games. Thank you Indianapolis Colts for taking action and suspending the former Ohio State coach for six games. By doing so, you are following the NFL's actions for suspending the former Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor for five games, was justifying in his wrong doing. Now Tressel is being punished for his wrong doings at Ohio State.

"Justice has been done, suspending former Ohio State coach Jim Tressel."

By Indianapolis' suspension of their new hire game day consultant Jim Tressel, the issue of their hiring will no longer be "controversial."

"Beware college players and coaches, it does not pay to run from one league to another. You need to pay and you will pay for your wrong doings. Thank you NFL for stepping up and making player and coach to serve their rightful suspensions."

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