The Prize Every NFL Team Fights For

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cowboys' Romo Has Resolve; Will He Play Against "SKINS?"

Cowboys' quarterback Tony Romo showed resiliancy last Sunday against the niners, by bringing his team back from a ten point deficit in the fourth quarter. Romo was injured earlier in the game, with a broken rib at the time. Later on it was discovered he also had a punctured lung. Romo leading the Cowboys back was amazing in itself, but with one broken rib and a punctured lung is really amazing.

The Sunday before the Cowboys had a fourteen point lead early in the fourth quarter against the Jets. When Romo caughed up the ball on the Jets two yard line, to give the Jets hope. The Jets quickly scored a touchdown to pull within seven points of the Cowboys. After all the momentum the Cowboys had, quickly shifted to the Jets, when they blocked Matt McBriars' punt and ran it in for a touchdown, then a Romo interception. That led to the demise of the Cowboys 27-24 loss.

All the skeptics (including) myself, were talking about how Romo chokes when the game is on the line. How he seemed to smile after he messed up, not showing the same emotion as his teammates. It bothered all the Cowboy fans, and we felt betrayed. Cudos to Romo for stepping up Sunday, by being determined, courageous, and even hurting.

Was Romos performance on Sunday a must? Has Romo truly learned from his mistakes from the first weeks game against the Jets? Are the Cowboys going to see a new Romo in town? With all these questions we have about Romo, we will find out in the weeks to come.

Tony Romo needs to be more consistent on a game to game basis. Cowboy fans have seen where he looks like the best quarterback in the NFL one week, the next week he looks absolutely "horrible." The test for Romo is a week to week performance grade. Romo we don't care if you throw for over 300 yards every game, but if you don't win it just does not matter.

If Romo plays against the "SKINS" on Monday night. How will he perform? Romo has been fitted for a "flak jacket" to protect his broken rib and punctured lung. However, on the ESPN Show, Warren Sapp was interviewing Romo and asked Romo if he would play on Monday night. Romo said, he was still feeling a lot of pain and was having a hard time moving around. He's not for sure. After the show it showed Romo trying to get up out of his chair. Sources said , Romo looked like an eighty year old man trying to get out of his chair. They also said, it took him abut seven minutes or so for him to get out of his chair.

Romo is very immobile and it's not a good idea to play him. Cowboys it's not worth jeopardizing your season over one or even two games. Why are you paying a backup quarterback if you don't intend to use him? We probably have the best backup quarterback in the entire NFL.

"Washingtons' (CB) Deangelo Hall said, if Romo plays on Monday night he was going to go after the Dallas Cowboys quarterback and punish him. You can bet that the SKINS are going to come after Romo."

Like any football teams defense is going to key on a weak spot and rush the quarterback. Cowboys have a young offensive line, and they will be more tested on Monday night if Romo plays.

Jerry, do you really want to risk your season over one or two games? The best decision would be to sit Romo on Monday night. Go with Jon Kitna, who's a veteran quarterback in the NFL and went 5-3 for you last year. Remember your Cowboys started out at 1-7, we finished 6-10. We're not Kitna to play the rest of the season, just one maybe two games at the most.

"Romo looks like he's in pain with that "FLAK JACKET" on underneath his uniform. Now Jerry, does he look like he can avoid a pass rush from any defense in the NFL?"

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